
A KrsKrt
is made in

Do you have a ‘misty’ or ‘messy’ topic? For which there is no ready-made answer, which you have to do something about and which knows many stakeholders? And is it time to discuss it with everyone?

With a tailor-made KrsKrt, we bring the entire population into conversation in an accessible way. We make a KrsKrt in co-creation with the stakeholders: a dynamic process with ownership.

Over the years, roughly three types of conversation have been discovered, which can also be combined:

Variant A

Ideation & Planmaking

Teams explore the topic, come up with ideas and plans to get it done.

Variant B

Awareness & Movement

Individuals who together give meaning to the topic and convert this into insights and action.

Variant C

Cases & Intervision

Groups (teams or individuals) who share what is going on and help each other with everyone’s questions.

A selection of the projects

Since 2008, more than 150 KrsKrt’s have been developed in co-creation
which have brought more than 150,000 people into conversation.

    For whom?

    • Large organizations (200+)
    • Government organizations
    • Partnerships
    • Local communities

    In other words: for all forms of organization that want to enter into dialogue with a large population around a misty or messy theme.

    Examples of topics

    • Strategy Development & Realization
    • Sustainable employability, Talent development
    • Citizen or employee participation
    • Core values & behaviour
    • Sustainable business
    • New forms of organizing and collaborating

    Examples of applications

    • Interactive events & conferences
    • Large Scale/Group Intervention
    • Participatory (Action) research
    • Employee Satisfaction Survey (MTO)
    • We-Learning / Team learning
    • Consultation / Broad exploration
    • Interactive Education

    Complete the circle in ABC

    The co-creation process to make a KrsKrt is actually very simple. It is exactly the same process as the KrsKrt itself, but one level higher.

    We support phase A. You can do phase B all by yourself. Phase C is optional. We ensure that there is a guaranteed self-managing and working KrsKrt.

    Stage A: creating

    1. Getting the #Topic and scope sharp
    2. Design your KrsKrt in co-creation
    3. Test, refine and publish in practice

    Stage B: Meeting

    4. Maximum activation: Think along, participate!
    5. Everyone in conversation with the KrsKrt
    6. Picking the first, low-hanging fruit

    Stage C: Reflecting

    7. Making sense with each other from all outcomes
    8. Translate it into a sharp and supported report
    9. Determine follow-up actions and get started!

    These three stages can be combined in different ways:

    Large Scale Dialogue

    Stage B

    Order a Ready-made KrsKrt, activate the groups and start a conversation.

    + Co-Creation

    Stages A & B

    Together we create a tailor-made KrsKrt to start a dialogue on a large scale.

    + Co-Reflection

    Stages A, B & C

    Together we translate all the information from the broad dialogue into a report.

    Co-Creation: Its true meaning

    Co-Creation is a term subject to inflation. The word is overused and misused.

    It goes much further and deeper than a simple ‘collaboration’ or ‘meeting’.

    Founder Sietse Rauwerdink tries to restore the original meaning of the word.

    The word can be broken down into two parts:

    Co: This means together. With the field, with the users, with the stakeholders, with the partners.
    Creation: The process leads to a meaningful ‘creation’, such as a product (e.g. KrsKrt) or a profound change.

    Co-creation: creating something meaningful together.

    Frequently asked questions
    about the co-creation process

    A KrsKrt is a dialogue tool for structuring and guiding the dialogue in a simple manner. A facilitator at the table is therefore not necessary and that also makes it unique in its kind. Read more here.

    KrsKrt is a melting pot of all kinds of different ideas and theories, which have proven their worth in practice through trial and error. With this you can think of:

    • Unlimited scalability: Via rapid prototyping, KrsKrt’s are developed with the target group.
    • Appreciative Inquiry: Each KrsKrt is constructed appreciatively to create a positive spiral.
    • Dialogue: Coexistence is a basic principle, where all ideas and opinions are allowed to coexist.
    • Self-direction: KrsKrt’s are in principle played without a facilitator, based on trust in the group.
    • Wisdom of the crowd: When people think together, more wisdom arises, it becomes more than the sum of its parts.

    And if you want to know everything about the methodology behind it, contact us at the bottom of the page. We love to tell about it.

    Of course, that is certainly recommended on a smaller scale (less than 150 players). However, if you start scaling up, you will quickly run into limitations. Those supervisors must also be arranged and trained. And then this supervisor must be scheduled for each group. That takes a lot of effort.

    With a KrsKrt, you only have to ensure that it is in the right place and give the group a time period when the conversation should have been held.

    We onze did it in two weeks, but I can’t recommend that. A little slower can be beneficial for the end result. But too slowly the momentum is also getting out again.

    The more complicated and vague the theme, the longer it has to simmer to get to its essence. That usually takes the most time. Once the basic structure and storyline is clear, things can go very quickly.

    But sometimes the organization or the community is not ready for it and that also requires a little slowing down. It’s ready when it’s done and often takes between 3 and 6 months.

    This takes place, as described above, in three phases.

    1. Getting the #Topic and scope sharp

    Part 1A. We start with an intake to clarify the specific wishes. And to find out what is already known. Because with such limitations we can work well. And it is important to inform the co-creation team about these limitations.

    Part 1B. With a co-creation team of an average of 12 people (varying from 6 to 36 people), we will determine the scope of the KrsKrt. For this we also use our methodology of 9 steps and a specific KrsKrt, made for this session.

    2. Design your KrsKrt in co-creation

    Part 2A. We are going to make a prototype of the question set, on the backstage. We hand this over to the co-creation team in the second session.

    Part 2B: With the same co-creation team, we will immediately subject the prototype of the set of questions to practice and test whether this is the right conversation. And on the spot we will make adjustments to be ready for the test phase.

    3. Test, refine and publish in practice

    Part 3A. Based on all the feedback from the second session, we design the KrsKrt to perfection. Only when you design the KrsKrt, you will find out how all questions must be aligned with each other. And with that KrsKrt we will test with a number of fresh groups from the target audience in two or three rounds. Between each round we remove the teething problems and perfect the flow of the questions.

    Part 3B. When the KrsKrt is ready (that is a matter of feeling), it is checked and finalized in detail. In the case of a large-format KrsKrt, it can be sent to the printer, where it will be beautifully printed and folded on durable Stone Paper. In the case of a loose-leaf KrsKrt, this is supplied as a PDF and can be published and/or distributed.

    There are many ways to do that! We can support you in this, but in principle you often already know best how to reach the target group. A few examples:

    • A session can be arranged with different departments to coordinate who will use the KrsKrt and how. For example, a customer contact center is difficult to free up and decides to play group by group in a certain period. For example, a policy department can do this in one go during a major event.
    • In citizen participation we have a lot of experience with communication campaigns to mobilize large groups of people. Then we have a short period (eg 3 months), in which everyone gets the chance to start the conversation. After that, all outcomes are centrally retrieved and all information can be analysed.
    • So there are endless possibilities. Also take a look at our cases.

    Daar zijn vele manieren voor! Wij kunnen daar in ondersteunen, maar in principe weten jullie vaak zelf al het beste hoe je de doelgroep kunt bereiken. Een paar voorbeelden:

    • Met verschillende afdelingen kan een sessie worden belegd om af te stemmen wie de KoersKaart op welke gaat inzetten. Een klantcontactcentrum is bijvoorbeeld lastig vrij te maken en besluit om groepje voor groepje te spelen in een bepaalde periode. Een beleidsafdeling kan bijvoorbeeld in één keer tijdens een groot event.
    • Bij burgerparticipatie hebben we veel ervaring met communicatiecampagnes om grote groepen mensen te mobiliseren. Vervolgens hebben we een korte periode (bijv. 3 maanden), waarin iedereen de kans krijgt om het goede gesprek te voeren. Daarna wordt het net opgehaald en kan alle opgehaalde informatie worden geanalyseerd.
    • En zo zijn er eindeloze mogelijkheden. Bekijk ook eens onze praktijkcases.

    We have years of experience with that. Again, it depends on what the goal is.

    Do you want to get started with the data? Then we can start a co-reflection process (phase C of the ABC method). As with the co-creation, we are now going to start a co-reflection with a co-reflection team. See the next point for more information.

    Don’t you want to work with the data? That is also fine, then we will think carefully about how the KrsKrt is embedded in a larger process. Because One-offs are not preferred.

    First of all, it should be made clear that in this case we are not really dealing with ‘data’, but rather with information or even knowledge. We often collect complete sentences, which are the result of a nuanced group process. This is different from the standard questionnaire. This is high quality information!

    And furthermore it depends entirely on the purpose of the KrsKrt. In principle, we always put this question to the co-creation group. And they decide very differently about that. In one case, it is decided to stick to the good conversation and there are no good ideas to use the data properly. And in the other case, it is decided to come to very sophisticated data collection, for example to be able to weigh the results properly in connection with representativeness.

    We mainly work for:

    • Large organizations, from 150 people
    • Communities of e.g. citizens
    • NGO’s and interest groups

    What do these have in common? They are all organizations that want to involve people on a large scale in what they do. And want to approach this in an innovative way.

    After having developed more than 150 KrsKrt’s, some basic applications can be distinguished:

    • Citizen and employee participation
    • Strategy determination and/or realization
    • Putting a theme on the map broadly

    As a rule of thumb, you can assume that from 150 players you are break-even in terms of costs compared to the ‘standard approach’: hiring a facilitator per group. And with that standard approach there are additional costs such as all the arrangements around it.

    Apart from the cost aspect, there are of course more reasons to develop a KrsKrt. Because it yields much more than just time and money. Consider, for example, the ownership that is cultivated through the co-creation process and the self-managing character of the KrsKrt itself.

    First of all, it is important to know that we work with project prices. This means that it is clear in advance what it will cost. This ensures that we can deliver quality, without paying attention to hours. You win some, you lose some.

    In addition, we only work with independent professionals who are not employed by us. This means that we always select the right people for the project and not ‘the people on the bench’. We will continue until the KrsKrt is finished and working.

    The guidance is also very facilitating. We listen to the group and translate their insights, preferably with their literal language, into an instrument for the step they have to take.

    Our motto is ‘Kill your darlings’. So it is up to the facilitators to level again and again with the topic of conversation and the conversation partners in order to design a conversation tool that simply works. And that requires a lot of scrapping and fine-tuning on our part.

    There are basically four variants:

    Open, Ready-Made KrsKrt. This variant ends up in our downloads section and can therefore be ordered by anyone. Interesting for people and parties who want to put a theme on the map in society.

    Customized KrsKrt. Then a ready-made KrsKrt is adapted to specific wishes (see next point).

    Custom-made KrsKrt. Then we start with a theme (that is all that is needed), we put together a co-creation team and together we discover what the KrsKrt must do.

    Custom instrument. Then we let go of all familiar forms and start all over again. When the limits of the existing working methods are reached (very rare).

    Basically the answer is ‘yes’, but it differs per KrsKrt. This is certainly possible with some of our KrsKrt’s, we are autonomous in determining that. For other KrsKrt’s we will have to coordinate with, for example, our client.

    We can then adjust the design and the content to a certain extent. The starting point is that the basic architecture of the KrsKrt remains the same, so that we do not have to start a whole new co-creation process to perfect the ‘flow’.

    Contact us (see bottom of page) for more information.

    KrsKrt is a protected trademark, registered with the Benelux office for intellectual property. So the brand may only be used with permission.

    In recent years, the methodology has often been ‘misused’, resulting in a decline in effectiveness. It is a whole of parts that only has the right effect in combination. This has to do, among other things, with co-creation, but also with the correct use of design.

    In addition, the KrsKrt Concept has been registered as well. To make the KrsKrt Concept available to the world (in the longer term) and at the same time to properly protect it against misuse. It can be found on this page.

    That question comes up often. And the answer is, “Depends.” Because the basic principle for the development of a KrsKrt is Co-creation.

    And we only skip the co-creation if a number of conditions are met:

    • Content: There is a clear storyline on which the ABC method can be based.
    • People: There is sufficient ownership and support for the end product.
    • Goal: There is a clear target group with a question that we can answer with the KrsKrt.

    If this cannot be met, we will still go for co-creation. Experience shows that otherwise it will be an endless road to arrive at a good end product. Co-creation works much more efficiently and effectively.

    But please contact us at the bottom of this page. Together we will come to an answer.

    If you think that a custom KrsKrt could be of interest, feel free to contact us (see bottom of the page). We are happy to talk to explore further.